More about the notekeeper
March 1, 2021
Hi there, visitors. My name is Liz. I studied art education in the dark ages when the world was steeped in the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, etc. etc. As education majors, we were instructed in the rudiments of a broad range of arts and crafts so we could present the basics of virtually any artistic field to our future students.
We acquired skill in things like pottery, graphics, stagecraft, silvercraft, and many more. As I recall, I had two semesters of fine art painting which, I knew, hardly qualified me for anything more than wannabe artist. I spent the next 40 years or so doing what women of that generation did: marriage, motherhood, divorce, work and so on well into my sixties. When I could, I dabbled in paint and paper craft. Then I retired and decided I would see how far I could go with a commitment to develop my skill in these media. Having little confidence in my ability as a painter, I settled on finding out what I could do with paper. It didn't take long for me to realize the answer to that question was-- not much. And when I became aware of the works of real paper artists such as these at I just gave up the whole idea. Besides I was way more interested in image-making as an art of cultivation rather than engineering--as I described in my previous post. The pictures below represent my progress from about 2012 to the present.